Regulatory circuits LOD

Regulatory Circuits is a resource of 394 tissue-specific gene regulatory networks for human. We propose here a RDF version of this resource, input data, pipeline and results, queryable through the SPARQL endpoint.

SPARQL » RDF files »

We give example of queries in the GitHub repository associated to the project.

RDF dataset can be downloaded and the endpoint can be hosted on your server.

In a preliminary work, we integrated the samples data into a RDF triplestore and showed that two SPARQL queries could generate the corresponding networks:

Louarn, M., Chatonnet, F., Garnier, X., Fest, T., Siegel, A., Dameron, O.: Increas-ing life science resources re-usability using semantic web technologies. In: Proceed-ings of the 15th IEEE International eScience conference, San Diego (2019)

The paper associated with is available at:

Louarn, M., Chatonnet, F., Garnier, X. et al. : Improving reusability along the data life cycle: a regulatory circuits case study. J Biomed Semant 13, 11 (2022).

We acknowledge the GenOuest bioinformatics core facility for providing the computing infrastructure. And the research teams of the authors of this project Dyliss team, Mic-Mac, Sparks and Wimmics.

The RDF version of the dataset is under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.